Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat
Ek Bharat Shresth Bharat is a mega-event that provides a broad platform for students to display their creativity, originality, artistic skills, etc. It gives them an opportunity to learn about the culture, tradition, art, and architecture not only of the other states of India but also of various countries around the world. In the process of satiating their thirst for information, they overcome many challenges and linguistic and geographical barriers, awakening a strong sense of national pride and widening their horizons with a better cosmopolitan outlook. In a nutshell, the program encompasses performing arts and provides a glimpse into the processes through which students learn and acquire knowledge.
This year following competitions will be conducted during KVS National Integration Camp – “Ek Bharat Shresth Bharat” & “Lit-Fest”
- Group Song
- Group Dance (State & International)
- Theatre
- On the Spot Painting
- Solo Singing
- Solo Classical Dance
- Display of Artefacts